Welcome to the faculty and staff resources site for the College of Engineering! The purpose of this website is to provide current and prospective employees of our college with information related to frequently asked questions, forms and policies.
Administrative Support
- Dean’s Office. Where to find help within the Dean’s office.
- COE Facilities
- Space Allocation and Reallocation Policy College procedures for requesting new space.
- COE Information Technology. Services include file and print sharing, data backup and archives, web hosting, computer labs, technology consulting, and repair and maintenance services.
- COE Communications. College support for websites and other communications needs
- COE Budget & Planning
- COE Procurement & Financial Processing
- COE Human Resources
- Human Resources. Onboarding information, benefits, and more.
- Webforms. Many tasks can be accomplished by completing a webform, including requesting sabbatical leave, conflict of interest disclosure, submitting a grade change, requesting to stop the tenure clock, or requesting a software license. See list of forms under Blanks tab.
- UD WorkForce. The system is used to collect hours for hourly employees (AFSCME, Students and Misc wage), record Benefited Non-exempt employees’ overtime and track/maintain Sick and Vacation balances for all benefited employees.
- View Paystub.
Research Support
- COE Research. describes research centers, focus areas, facilities, and undergraduate research.
- COE Research Administration
- UD Research Office. Funding opportunities, proposal writing and grant support, and much more.
- COE Machine Shop. Full-service research shop that provides machining, assembly, and fabrication services in support of research projects and instructional laboratories.
- Procedure for Creation and Approval of a Research Center or Institute
- COE Research Center Symposium, April 30, 2021
The University has assembled the following resources on federal policy changes and University guidance:
College Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- College Constitution and Bylaws
- COE Faculty & Staff Code of Conduct
- Procedure for Creation and Approval of a Research Center or Institute
- College Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
- Procedures for Faculty Peer Reviews and Contract Renewals
- Procedures for Faculty Leave Requests and Stop the Clock Notifications
- Criteria for a Named Professorship
- Procedures for Special Faculty Appointments
- Letter Templates referenced in the procedures
- Affiliated Professor
- Adjunct Professor
- Emeritus Professor
- Joint Appointments
- Joint Appointment MOU
- Research Professor
- Secondary Appointments
- Temporary Professor
- Visiting Professor
- Faculty Search Guidelines
- Faculty Recruitment Guidelines
- Joint Faculty Search Guidelines
- Internal and External Searches for Department Chairs
- COE Faculty search rubric examples
- Faculty Search Statement of Affirmative Steps Examples
- Revised Recommendations of Ad Hoc Committee on CT Searches
- COE Faculty Hiring Facilities Needs Form
- Salary
- Sponsored Programs
- 2-1 Fixed price contracts-residual disposition
- 2-2 Cost Share
- 2-3 Delegated Authority
- 2-4 Proposal Submission
- College Infrastructure and Budget
- Faculty Resignation Policy
- Visa Guidance: The College of Engineering supports the H-1B visa status for full-time academic faculty positions. On an exception basis only, will an H-1B visa application be considered for postdoctoral positions for cases in which the J-1 visa status has been determined not appropriate. In these situations, an H-1B visa request for a postdoctoral researcher may only be submitted after careful consideration and with the support and approval of the COE Human Resources Partner and the Department Chair. Additional information can be found here.
University and Department Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- University policies
- Faculty Handbook. Key resource informing faculty of major policies and regulations of UD.
- Collective Bargaining Agreement available from Employee and Labor Relations. Agreement between the administration of UD and the UD American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
- Dual Career Assistance. Brochure describing the services the university offers to assist spouses and partners of faculty moving to UD.
- Family Friendly Policies. Brochure outlining key family friendly policies for faculty at UD.
- Graduate Student Policies. Policies from the Graduate College.
- Department Policies. Key policies for each Department are available, including:
- Bylaws
- Procedures to Change Department Bylaws
- Promotion and Tenure Documents
- Workload policies
- Merit metrics.
- Computer Purchase & Replacement Policy
Faculty & Staff Weekly News Archive
Weekly News Submission
Do you have news to share with the college community? Complete this form.
COE Undergraduate Newsletter
Submit events, notices, reminders, internship and scholarship opportunities, and other news for consideration for the COE Undergraduate newsletter. https://forms.gle/PPZhDJjYAHcrhyQP8
COE Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Newsletter
Submit events, notices, reminders, internship and scholarship opportunities, and other news for consideration for the Graduate and Postdoc Newsletter via email to katzmire@udel.edu.
Faculty and Staff Programs
- Faculty and Staff Awards. A number of prestigious awards are available to honor faculty and staff excellence.
- Faculty Affairs calendars for winter/spring 2025: Faculty Affairs Calendar | Program Calendar
- Volunteer Time Off for Faculty & Staff
- COE Faculty and Staff monthly discussions of racism, diversity, and inclusion
- Child/Elder-care information
- Mental Health Resources for UD Employees
- Employee Health & Wellbeing
- Provost’s Faculty Affairs
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Attend webinars, workshops, or multi-week courses. Or sign up for weekly emails with helpful tips on how to be an effective faculty member. UD has an institutional membership, so it is free for all faculty to join. Just go to the website and click join!
- UD Faculty Accountability Program. Creates small supportive communities to help faculty succeed. These groups of no more than four professors and a coach meet for an hour every week during the fall semester to set writing goals, report on progress, and discuss effective strategies for navigating some of the challenges of academia.
- College of Engineering Faculty Mini-Grant Program
The COE faculty mini-grant program aims to help faculty manage unforeseen or difficult circumstances. - COE Faculty Mentoring Program. The College of Engineering faculty mentoring program assists new faculty in identifying and obtaining the resources and support that will help them to be successful.
- Registrar’s Office. Information on courses, grading, advising, transfer credit, and more.
- Academic Calendar
- ASEE Learning offers many webinars and courses to support teaching, many are free. To sign up for email notifications about offerings, email a request to learning@asee.org.
- Overview of UD Resources for Teaching Online – The four core Faculty Commons partners (PCS, CTAL, ATS and the Library) prepared an Overview of UD Resources for Teaching Online to help our faculty feel even more comfortable teaching online by tapping existing resources at UD. The Overview has a quick reference chart of available training and other resources. It also has a “where do I start if I want to learn…” that guides instructors to the most appropriate teaching resource. Resources include self-paced asynchronous classes, short-courses, longer institutes, 1:1 consultations, guides etc.
- Inclusive Teaching – These six modules introduce evidence-based teaching and mentoring practices that support an inclusive climate.
- Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning (CTAL). Many services and resources to support your teaching, including help with course design, engaging students, assessing student learning, and soliciting feedback.
- Faculty Commons. Offers a variety of instructional assistance, including help with technology for the classroom. Visit the lounge in 116 Pearson Hall.
- Faculty Peer Observation Program
- Office of Engineering Undergraduate Education includes information on undergraduate advisement, student development and support, and student organizations.
- Undergraduate Advising Resources, including the Blue Hen Success platform (BHS), which helps UD leverage data and manage advising resources to improve student success.
- Information for faculty about Undergraduate Summer Scholars
- Become a Graduate Hengineer
- Graduate Student Advising Resources. Helpful, easy-to-use tools to promote productive, professional relationships between faculty and their graduate student advisees.
- Post-Doc Resources
- Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) provides mental health services and promotes psychological wellbeing.
- Sean’s House is a mental health safe haven for young adults ages 14-24, created by the local non-profit SL24: Unlocke the Light.
- Career Center. Offers many resources to support students’ job searches and professional development.
College Initiatives
- Diversity and Inclusion describes the many on-going activities related to diversity and inclusion and how faculty can get involved.
- Industry Partnerships. Opportunities and support for engagement with industry partners.
- Entrepreneurship activities. Resources available to support entrepreneurship among faculty and students.
Other Helpful Links
- Office of the Provost. Chief academic officer.
- UD ADVANCE Institute. NSF-funded institute that aims to increase opportunities for UD’s women faculty. It provides many resources to support faculty.
- Faculty Senate. Coordinates faculty governance at UD.
- American Association of University Professors (AAUP). UD chapter of the AAUP represents full-time faculty members on the issues of wages, salaries, hours, vacations, sick leave, grievance procedures, sabbatical leaves and other terms and conditions of employment as set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
- UD Diversity Caucuses
- CT Caucus